What is Structured Water?

SEPTEMBER 30, 2024

What you will learn in this article...

  • What structured water is
  • How vortexes create structured water
  • Why most scientists and doctors are unfamiliar with structured water
  • How structured water stores energy
  • The difference between structured water and energized structured water
  • Why most structured water devices aren't ideal for drinking water
  • The health benefits of energized structured water
  • How to get energized structured water directly from your kitchen tap

What Is Structured Water?

Structured water refers to water molecules arranged in a specific, hexagonal pattern near hydrophilic (water-loving) surfaces. Much like ice, these molecules form flexible, single-layer sheets, but unlike ice, they aren't bonded by protons, allowing them to move independently. Most of the water in your body is structured, as bodily tissues are hydrophilic.

How Does Vortexing Create Structured Water?

In a properly designed vortex, some water molecules break down into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen mixes uniformly with any already present in the water, and being hydrophilic, it encourages the formation of hexagonal layers. These structured water layers expand outward, layer by layer, from the oxygen.

Structured Water Has Always Existed—Science Just Recently Noticed

Most scientists, doctors, and engineers graduating today are not taught about structured water unless they've studied under Professor Gerald Pollack at the University of Washington. His groundbreaking book, The Fourth Phase of Water (2013), delves deeply into the concept of structured water and is backed by extensive scientific research.

For now, while structured water may not yet be mainstream knowledge, Dr. Pollack's work is the best resource on the topic, and we highly recommend it to anyone intrigued by the subject.

  • Gerald H. Pollack - The Fourth Phase of Water

This isn't mere filtration. It's the rebirth of water.

Structured Water Is a Battery

Structured water is more than just hexagonal sheets—it includes the water surrounding them. As these layers grow, they release protons into the adjacent water, creating an electrical potential (voltage) between the structured and surrounding water. In essence, structured water stores energy, much like a battery.

You may wonder, "What charges this water battery?" Dr. Pollack discovered that structured water is charged by absorbing radiant energy—such as light or infrared waves.

Why Does the Body Need More Structured Water?

The body's structured water needs constant recharging. Energized structured water helps replenish this energy, boosting hydration, detoxification, and overall cellular function. Many diseases are linked to toxicity, dehydration, and poor cell performance, so consuming energized structured water may promote better health. Recent studies even suggest that structured water plays a role in proper blood and lymph circulation.

Why Most Structured Water Devices Should Be Avoided

While vortexing creates structured water, not all devices are effective. Once structured water forms, it must absorb radiant energy to fully charge the water battery. Structured water won't deliver its full health benefits without this maturation process. Viktor Schauberger, the famed Austrian naturalist, recognized this and emphasized the need for water to 'rest' after vortexing.

Freshly vortexed water offers some energy, but you need energized structured water for the best results, which maximizes your body's health benefits.

Can Energized Structured Water Really Improve Health?

Many people have reported significant health improvements after switching to Atla Water. Since 2006, we've been perfecting our energized structured water systems, which also purify water without stripping away beneficial minerals. We invite you to explore our satisfied customers' health-related reviews and testimonials.

How to Enjoy Energized, Structured Water Right from Your Kitchen Tap

Every Atla Water System is powered by our advanced Revitalizer™ technology, designed to transform ordinary water into energized, structured water. The process is entirely automatic, providing pure, refreshing water on tap whenever needed. But that's just the beginning. Our unique system removes most contaminants while preserving essential minerals, and ensures your water has the perfect alkaline pH.

In Nature, water flows around uneven surfaces, causing vortical water movement. However, this vital process is absent in bottled water facilities and home plumbing systems. Even the highest-quality water degrades when traveling through standard pipes.

Our research revealed that recently vortexed water tasted better after resting before consumption. The best-tasting water results from a cycle of vortexing, resting, and re-vortexing, mimicking the natural flow of water in the wild.

Revitalizer™ technology recreates these natural cycles, allowing you to enjoy the freshest, most invigorating water right at home. It's why Atla Water consistently tastes better than filtered water and premium bottled brands, which can cost over $8 per liter. By comparison, Atla Water costs just $0.03 per liter, or at most $0.31 per day, depending on your household usage.

In the Atla System, water flows through several stages of finely-tuned primary and secondary vortexes that drive our process. Two gallons are revitalized and stored, ready to pass through multiple vortex stages again before reaching your glass. Customers consistently describe Atla Water as the lightest, most refreshing water they've ever experienced.

A Word of Caution

The term 'structured water' is not scientifically standardized, and many companies claim to offer structured water devices without a clear definition. When we refer to structured water, we mean water as it exists in Nature. Dr. Pollack and his team refer to their discovery as "exclusion zone water," but his discovery aligns with our understanding of structured water.

At Atla, our goal wasn't to create structured water or alkaline water. We set out to recreate the most perfect water found in Nature, and this is what flows from every Atla Water System.

Atla | Beyond Purification®

Atla develops water tech that goes beyond purification to create drinking water beyond compare. We offer individuals, families, and businesses a sustainable choice without compromising health, taste, or convenience.

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